Stay home, stay safe, stay alive. That is the global message as the coronavirus pandemic claims more lives. While many of us can practice social distancing, spare a thought for refugees, forced migrants and displaced persons who have no choice about how and where they live. Bismark Akoto, a 24-year-old Commonwealth Correspondent from Accra, Ghana …

Far from home and dodging coronavirus Read More »

Responses by leaders across the world to the coronavirus pandemic have ranged from efficient to questionable. As Canadian writer Robin Sharma eloquently put it: “Anyone can lead when the plan is working. The best lead when the plan falls apart.” Munguongeyo Ivan, a 27-year-old Commonwealth Correspondent from Kampala, Uganda, looks at various interventions to a crisis that …

Leadership during COVID-19 Read More »

It is in times like these that an idea like Salvatory Kessy’s online education platform really shines. Salvatory, from Tanzania, is the founder of SmartClass, a platform which matches low-cost qualified and vetted tutors to students interested in learning basic skills such as numeracy, literacy, computing, agriculture and languages. Commonwealth Correspondent Tumaini John Makole from …

Bringing the classroom to students in East Africa Read More »

As governments attempt to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in local communities and countries, it is vital that they communicate to citizens in languages that people in different segments of the society speak and understand. Metolo Foyet, a 23-year-old Commonwealth Correspondent from Cotonou, Benin, shares her experience with language learning when she was growing …

Language learning for health, safety and life Read More »

As the coronavirus continues to spread globally, what opportunities are there for creators and innovators? Jacob Masenga, a Commonwealth Correspondent from Zambia, talks to Zanga Musakuzi, a Zambian health tech innovator making it easier for people to find health services. Most great solutions came about through creativity and innovation during challenging situations. Here’s an example of how a …

COVID-19: Inspiring innovation Read More »

On May 4, Nigeria’s federal government gradually started easing a five-week lockdown in Nigeria’s commercial capital, Lagos State, along with Ogun State and the Federal Capital Territory. The aim was to gradually reopen some businesses, with a view to eventually fully re-opening critical sectors of the economy. Laila Johnson-Salami, a 23-year-old Correspondent from Lagos, Nigeria, …

Lagos: Lock down or open up? Read More »

This has not been the best of times for Africa’s largest economy. Even before the Coronavirus pandemic and low oil prices hit them, Nigerians knew that Vision 20:2020 would not be realized this year. Omeye Chimaobi Kenechukwu, a 24-years-old Commonwealth Correspondent from Nigeria argues that it is unacceptable that yet again, his country has failed …

Nigeria’s lost 2020 vision Read More »

The coronavirus pandemic has shown us the best of humanity. But it has also brought to light many inequalities and other issues that are often swept under the carpet. Ashlee Burnett, a 22-year-old Commonwealth Correspondent from Trinidad and Tobago, delves into how the coronavirus pandemic has disproportionately affected some the most vulnerable members of society—women. …

Skeletons of COVID-19 Read More »

Life in Cameroon is slowly returning to normal despite the continued increase in coronavirus (COVID-19) cases writes Promise Forsuh, 23-year-old Commonwealth Correspondent from Cameroon. The government of the West African country recently eased the strict restrictions that were implemented two weeks after the first confirmed case of the virus in Cameroon on March 6, 2020.  …

Easing COVID-19 restrictions in Cameroon Read More »

Can any good come from a global pandemic that has devastated economies, crippled the health sector, left more than 380,000 dead and thrown millions into poverty? Erandi Thanippuliarachchi, a 27-year-old Commonwealth Correspondent from Sri Lanka, looks at some of the silver linings coming out of COVID-19 in her home country, including an initiative cultivate paddy …

COVID-19: The silver lining Read More »