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Call for Participants: International Programme on Youth Entrepreneurship Training

August 2nd, 2012


The Commonwealth Youth Programme (CYP) of the Commonwealth Secretariat in collaboration with the Zambia Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs, and partners announce the “International Programme on Youth Entrepreneurship Training” IPYET 2013, an international training of trainers programme. The programme is designed as an advanced trainer-of-trainers course in youth entrepreneurship development and training. The programme is expected to build capacities on enterprise development frameworks, share experiences in youth entrepreneurship training in countries and introduce participants to contemporary materials, techniques and approaches developed in the field. Applications for admission deadline in 31 August 2012.

The Programme

There are several manuals, tools, models, frameworks, and approaches youth entrepreneurship development and on training young people in entrepreneurship. Several questions however arise – how comprehensive are these frameworks; how relevant do young people consider these; how effective and efficient are these trainings; what worked, what didn’t, and what lessons were realized; are these workshops really youth centred or are they just entrepreneurship training? These and many more are unending questions underlying the need for such a programme. This programme is an attempt to find answers to some of these questions.

The Commonwealth will showcase several models and lead discussions in the area of entrepreneurship and enterprise development, small business financing, advocacy towards creating an enabling environment for youth enterprises and Business Development Services (BDS). Programmes and models such as Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB), and Know About Business (KAB) from the ILO along with GETAhead for Youth in Enterprise an ILO/CYP tool will be showcased. Several other approaches and models from SNV, GTZ, UNDP, Junior Achievement, the IMF, World Bank, and UNICEF among others may be presented during this training programme. A unique component of this programme is its focus on “participants’ facilitation”. The programme is flexible and experiential. All participant co-facilitate various sessions and their own country/project experiences come to bare in shaping the learning experiences for the group.

Kindly note that the programme is open to all persons and not restricted to Commonwealth citizens only. It is not restricted to Africa and this thus anybody across the globe can apply to attend and apply for bursaries too.

please click here for more information and please click here for the application form.


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The Commonwealth Youth Programme (CYP) of the Commonwealth Secretariat in collaboration with the Zambia Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs, and partners announce the “International Programme on Youth Entrepreneurship Training” IPYET 2013, an international training of trainers programme. The programme is designed as an advanced trainer-of-trainers course in youth entrepreneurship development and training. The programme is expected to build capacities on enterprise development frameworks, share experiences in youth entrepreneurship training in countries and introduce participants to contemporary materials, techniques and approaches developed in the field. Applications for admission deadline in 31 August 2012.

The Programme

There are several manuals, tools, models, frameworks, and approaches youth entrepreneurship development and on training young people in entrepreneurship. Several questions however arise – how comprehensive are these frameworks; how relevant do young people consider these; how effective and efficient are these trainings; what worked, what didn’t, and what lessons were realized; are these workshops really youth centred or are they just entrepreneurship training? These and many more are unending questions underlying the need for such a programme. This programme is an attempt to find answers to some of these questions.

The Commonwealth will showcase several models and lead discussions in the area of entrepreneurship and enterprise development, small business financing, advocacy towards creating an enabling environment for youth enterprises and Business Development Services (BDS). Programmes and models such as Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB), and Know About Business (KAB) from the ILO along with GETAhead for Youth in Enterprise an ILO/CYP tool will be showcased. Several other approaches and models from SNV, GTZ, UNDP, Junior Achievement, the IMF, World Bank, and UNICEF among others may be presented during this training programme. A unique component of this programme is its focus on “participants’ facilitation”. The programme is flexible and experiential. All participant co-facilitate various sessions and their own country/project experiences come to bare in shaping the learning experiences for the group.

Kindly note that the programme is open to all persons and not restricted to Commonwealth citizens only. It is not restricted to Africa and this thus anybody across the globe can apply to attend and apply for bursaries too.

please click here for more information and please click here for the application form.