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“Conquer Zero Waste with no waste”

June 2nd, 2016

Harnoor Gill Ap 16Eliminating waste involves innovation that can have enormously beneficial impact on the environment and employment, writes Harnoor Gill, 18, a Commonwealth Correspondent from Georgetown in Canada.

The purpose behind the initiative of Zero Waste is an ethical, economical and efficient goal to help guide people in changing their lifestyles and practices through their everyday lives.

Helping out this planet in this small yet significant way emulates a sustainable natural cycle, where all discarded materials are designed to become resources for other people to use. This in turn creates no waste or garbage, helping create a life of longevity for the people depending on this planet’s survival.

Some disbelievers may consider this to be a far-fetched goal, but by implementing this way of life, it will help eliminate all discharges to land, water, or air that might be a threat to the health of living life on this planet.

The greatest point about this way of life is that it is essentially a philosophy, a strategy and a set of practical tools looking to eventually eliminate the waste of this world rather than having to manage it. A persuasive way I got people around me to start acting on the idea of not creating waste was helping them to think about ideas to implement in order to create little to no waste. At first, the people in the circle of my friends and family found this awfully tough, yet as the solutions from ideas came about creating less waste, the whole task was quickly becoming a breeze for them. The experience of introducing the concept of Zero Waste, and then seeing it implemented before my eyes by my friends and family was truly a rewarding experience for me. I felt quite accomplished in the moment because I was able to see the applications of teaching my peers and family in full effect.

I think the best way to have the objectives of Zero Waste come across in a positive manner is to engage your local community. As citizens, it is important for yourselves to participate and help in the implementation of a Zero Waste action plan. Being able to take part in opportunities like an action plan dedicated to the priorities of Zero Waste is a fulfilling task, and taking active participation in the design of the resource management system is helpful towards waste reduction. It is imperative that public education campaigns continue to stand up and encourage public participation to be undertaken. By being able to go Zero Waste as a country, it will help in the creation of a low-carbon, resource efficient, resilient and socially inclusive economy.

Many people do not seem to realize the thousands of extra jobs that waste reduction can provide, how it can bring back natural nutrients to the soil, reduce the environmental impact associated with waste disposal, and involve citizens in designing a better Canada. The importance of the impact is physically on the management of energy flows in the economy. Zero Waste offers extremely big potential in terms of its energy savings and preservation of energy. By coming together as one unified team, we can conquer the horrific reality of waste disposal through Zero Waste.

photo credit: courtesy of Harnoor Gill

About me: I am a student in Georgetown, Canada, and founder of the Peace Welcome Club. I love to volunteer, read, write, and play basketball. I volunteer with local environmental and youth organizations and am dedicated to raising awareness about youth volunteering. My writing has been published in Indo-Canadian Voice, Asian Journal, Times of India, The Independent & Free Press, and in Amazing Kids! Magazine.
Opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Commonwealth Youth Programme. Articles are published in a spirit of dialogue, respect and understanding. If you disagree, why not submit a response.
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Harnoor Gill Ap 16Eliminating waste involves innovation that can have enormously beneficial impact on the environment and employment, writes Harnoor Gill, 18, a Commonwealth Correspondent from Georgetown in Canada.

The purpose behind the initiative of Zero Waste is an ethical, economical and efficient goal to help guide people in changing their lifestyles and practices through their everyday lives.

Helping out this planet in this small yet significant way emulates a sustainable natural cycle, where all discarded materials are designed to become resources for other people to use. This in turn creates no waste or garbage, helping create a life of longevity for the people depending on this planet’s survival.

Some disbelievers may consider this to be a far-fetched goal, but by implementing this way of life, it will help eliminate all discharges to land, water, or air that might be a threat to the health of living life on this planet.

The greatest point about this way of life is that it is essentially a philosophy, a strategy and a set of practical tools looking to eventually eliminate the waste of this world rather than having to manage it. A persuasive way I got people around me to start acting on the idea of not creating waste was helping them to think about ideas to implement in order to create little to no waste. At first, the people in the circle of my friends and family found this awfully tough, yet as the solutions from ideas came about creating less waste, the whole task was quickly becoming a breeze for them. The experience of introducing the concept of Zero Waste, and then seeing it implemented before my eyes by my friends and family was truly a rewarding experience for me. I felt quite accomplished in the moment because I was able to see the applications of teaching my peers and family in full effect.

I think the best way to have the objectives of Zero Waste come across in a positive manner is to engage your local community. As citizens, it is important for yourselves to participate and help in the implementation of a Zero Waste action plan. Being able to take part in opportunities like an action plan dedicated to the priorities of Zero Waste is a fulfilling task, and taking active participation in the design of the resource management system is helpful towards waste reduction. It is imperative that public education campaigns continue to stand up and encourage public participation to be undertaken. By being able to go Zero Waste as a country, it will help in the creation of a low-carbon, resource efficient, resilient and socially inclusive economy.

Many people do not seem to realize the thousands of extra jobs that waste reduction can provide, how it can bring back natural nutrients to the soil, reduce the environmental impact associated with waste disposal, and involve citizens in designing a better Canada. The importance of the impact is physically on the management of energy flows in the economy. Zero Waste offers extremely big potential in terms of its energy savings and preservation of energy. By coming together as one unified team, we can conquer the horrific reality of waste disposal through Zero Waste.

photo credit: courtesy of Harnoor Gill

About me: I am a student in Georgetown, Canada, and founder of the Peace Welcome Club. I love to volunteer, read, write, and play basketball. I volunteer with local environmental and youth organizations and am dedicated to raising awareness about youth volunteering. My writing has been published in Indo-Canadian Voice, Asian Journal, Times of India, The Independent & Free Press, and in Amazing Kids! Magazine.
Opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Commonwealth Youth Programme. Articles are published in a spirit of dialogue, respect and understanding. If you disagree, why not submit a response.
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