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“Creativity will boost economic development”

December 23rd, 2016

kelechukwu-iruomaAs countries prepare to celebrate Christmas, Kelechukwu Iruoma, 23, a Correspondent from Lagos in Nigeria, writes that economic hardship is taking the joy out of the season in Nigeria. But as prices skyrocket and unemployment increases, a conference tells youths that creativity can be the solution to the nation’s recession.

Some entrepreneurs have admonished Nigerians to stop lamenting and be creative in order to assist in bringing Nigeria out of recession, adding that creativity is the panacea for economic development. Citizens should stop blaming the government, and instead develop ideas that would benefit them and the country.

Entrepreneurs at the 2nd Annual Youth Leadership and Entrepreneurship Conference believe that there are economic opportunities in the country, and that the only thing Nigerian youths could do is to embrace the opportunities by developing ideas that can spur them into greatness. The entrepreneurs who spoke on “Transforming challenge into opportunity” said that there are opportunities in Nigeria that could surmount the challenges that Nigeria is facing.

Miss Victoria Nkong, the Chief Executive Officer of Qtaby events, spoke at the conference organised by International Centre for Leadership Development Nigeria.

“A lot has been said about the current state of Nigeria’s economy and recession. We are all angry at the government, but what we do not realise is that we are the government, and the solution to the recession lies with us,” she said.

“A recession is defined as a drastic reduction in gross domestic product, meaning that a country is producing below its needs within a period of time usually from six months and above. That means recession is created by a vacuum and it leaves a vacuum. What we as youth and future leaders need is to identify the vacuum that has been created and seek to fill some of them. We must learn to be solution bringers and cater to a need through rendering of services or delivery of products.”

Miss Nkong said that being creative is important, but more important is how creative we are about the delivery of creativity.

“We must learn to think like solution bringers and not victims of recession. There has been a general outcry resulting from the recent continuous hike in the price of the dollar, however, this dollar rise which is a problem to the economy has been a breakthrough to others,” she said.

“How many of us are aware that the current exchange rates has compelled Shoprite to stop importation of several products and they are now signing with several Nigerians for supply? Tomatoes, rice, pepper, even pasta, cereal and several other items are now being sourced locally in large quantity and farmers and those who had foresight are making a lot of money from the sale,” she said.

Mrs. Treasure Ukaegbu revealed that there can never be creativity without necessary skills ranging from leadership, self awareness, self discovery and self discipline. She noted that until these skills are fully acquired and utilised often, there can never be creativity. She urged participants who were youths to ensure that they acquire these skills in order to be creative and bring Nigeria out of recession.

The Director of the Centre and National Coordinator of International Institute of Global Leadership, Mr. Felix Iziomoh, said that the idea behind the conference was to equip the next generation of leaders with skills and tools which will enable them to realise their full potential and bring sustainable change to their communities.

“The goal is to develop self-motivated, effective and high integrity leaders who will foster impact and positive change in the society,” he said.

Reach me on Twitter @Kelechukwu 23

Photo credit: Lecturers and participants at the 2nd Annual Youth Leadership and Entrepreneurship Conference, courtesy of Kelechukwu Iruoma


About me: I am a humanitarian and development journalist who ensures that the voice of the voiceless are always heard. I am passionate about the sustainable development goals and I want to see a world where the youths are given adequate education and employment.

I want to see a world where poverty is wiped away. I want to see a world where people are provided with clean water and good environmental sanitation. I want to see a world where peace reigns.


Opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Commonwealth Youth Programme. Articles are published in a spirit of dialogue, respect and understanding. If you disagree, why not submit a response?
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kelechukwu-iruomaAs countries prepare to celebrate Christmas, Kelechukwu Iruoma, 23, a Correspondent from Lagos in Nigeria, writes that economic hardship is taking the joy out of the season in Nigeria. But as prices skyrocket and unemployment increases, a conference tells youths that creativity can be the solution to the nation’s recession.

Some entrepreneurs have admonished Nigerians to stop lamenting and be creative in order to assist in bringing Nigeria out of recession, adding that creativity is the panacea for economic development. Citizens should stop blaming the government, and instead develop ideas that would benefit them and the country.

Entrepreneurs at the 2nd Annual Youth Leadership and Entrepreneurship Conference believe that there are economic opportunities in the country, and that the only thing Nigerian youths could do is to embrace the opportunities by developing ideas that can spur them into greatness. The entrepreneurs who spoke on “Transforming challenge into opportunity” said that there are opportunities in Nigeria that could surmount the challenges that Nigeria is facing.

Miss Victoria Nkong, the Chief Executive Officer of Qtaby events, spoke at the conference organised by International Centre for Leadership Development Nigeria.

“A lot has been said about the current state of Nigeria’s economy and recession. We are all angry at the government, but what we do not realise is that we are the government, and the solution to the recession lies with us,” she said.

“A recession is defined as a drastic reduction in gross domestic product, meaning that a country is producing below its needs within a period of time usually from six months and above. That means recession is created by a vacuum and it leaves a vacuum. What we as youth and future leaders need is to identify the vacuum that has been created and seek to fill some of them. We must learn to be solution bringers and cater to a need through rendering of services or delivery of products.”

Miss Nkong said that being creative is important, but more important is how creative we are about the delivery of creativity.

“We must learn to think like solution bringers and not victims of recession. There has been a general outcry resulting from the recent continuous hike in the price of the dollar, however, this dollar rise which is a problem to the economy has been a breakthrough to others,” she said.

“How many of us are aware that the current exchange rates has compelled Shoprite to stop importation of several products and they are now signing with several Nigerians for supply? Tomatoes, rice, pepper, even pasta, cereal and several other items are now being sourced locally in large quantity and farmers and those who had foresight are making a lot of money from the sale,” she said.

Mrs. Treasure Ukaegbu revealed that there can never be creativity without necessary skills ranging from leadership, self awareness, self discovery and self discipline. She noted that until these skills are fully acquired and utilised often, there can never be creativity. She urged participants who were youths to ensure that they acquire these skills in order to be creative and bring Nigeria out of recession.

The Director of the Centre and National Coordinator of International Institute of Global Leadership, Mr. Felix Iziomoh, said that the idea behind the conference was to equip the next generation of leaders with skills and tools which will enable them to realise their full potential and bring sustainable change to their communities.

“The goal is to develop self-motivated, effective and high integrity leaders who will foster impact and positive change in the society,” he said.

Reach me on Twitter @Kelechukwu 23

Photo credit: Lecturers and participants at the 2nd Annual Youth Leadership and Entrepreneurship Conference, courtesy of Kelechukwu Iruoma


About me: I am a humanitarian and development journalist who ensures that the voice of the voiceless are always heard. I am passionate about the sustainable development goals and I want to see a world where the youths are given adequate education and employment.

I want to see a world where poverty is wiped away. I want to see a world where people are provided with clean water and good environmental sanitation. I want to see a world where peace reigns.


Opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Commonwealth Youth Programme. Articles are published in a spirit of dialogue, respect and understanding. If you disagree, why not submit a response?
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