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"CYP Employment and Entrepreneurship Subgroup

January 17th, 2011

The above mentioned group is very much vital in development of our nations and indeed respective regions per say..

Our Global mission is to mobilize young people around the world in envisioning for themselves and their respective countries a better life. CYP EES seeks to design and develop scalable and sustainable bottom-up approaches to support youth investment and to inform and influence policy and program development

This above mentioned sup group is much of importance, as leaders that took responsibility to join this thematic’s for us to keep action minded and continue working hard! And thus I have come across that in fact our Governments are not creating enabling environment for our young people to be business orientated and self fact the support is lacking from the above mentioned body! it’s at this point as young leaders representing this youth within our nations to stand up and fight for the rights and advocate for direct financial training and education support to youth who thus want to set up their own businesses..The issue at hand hammering the youth is Collateral!! Which they can’t present..And indeed civil society should then play a major role as well to sustain this youth..a good practice that Namibia Gov did in the new financial year is budget for the youth in business scheme!! Which then open up doors to this young people who are able n available to start business n create employment at the same time!!With this I request for us as a group to come up as starting point focus areas, my appreciation to the whole team of CYP and RYCs.

Its time for us as youth leaders to take up our pledges and be action orientated!!

I thus call upon all young people to join this important group for today is ours!!For any post or for membership purposes mail us at:


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The above mentioned group is very much vital in development of our nations and indeed respective regions per say..

Our Global mission is to mobilize young people around the world in envisioning for themselves and their respective countries a better life. CYP EES seeks to design and develop scalable and sustainable bottom-up approaches to support youth investment and to inform and influence policy and program development

This above mentioned sup group is much of importance, as leaders that took responsibility to join this thematic’s for us to keep action minded and continue working hard! And thus I have come across that in fact our Governments are not creating enabling environment for our young people to be business orientated and self fact the support is lacking from the above mentioned body! it’s at this point as young leaders representing this youth within our nations to stand up and fight for the rights and advocate for direct financial training and education support to youth who thus want to set up their own businesses..The issue at hand hammering the youth is Collateral!! Which they can’t present..And indeed civil society should then play a major role as well to sustain this youth..a good practice that Namibia Gov did in the new financial year is budget for the youth in business scheme!! Which then open up doors to this young people who are able n available to start business n create employment at the same time!!With this I request for us as a group to come up as starting point focus areas, my appreciation to the whole team of CYP and RYCs.

Its time for us as youth leaders to take up our pledges and be action orientated!!

I thus call upon all young people to join this important group for today is ours!!For any post or for membership purposes mail us at: