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“Engineering provides innovation for society”

August 21st, 2015

Obongifreke Friday photoEngineering is aimed at problem-solving, writes Obongifreke Friday, 27, a Correspondent from Akwaibom in Nigeria, as he looks at issues the profession is prepared to tackle.

This year world engineering conference and convention (WECC 2015) will be held November 28 – December 4 this year in Kyoto, Japan, with the theme “Engineering: Innovation and society”.

Engineering is a profession which has contributed immensely to different aspects of society. This could be witnessed in different innovations which engineers provide to ensure sustainable development some of which include mobility and communication technology, life innovation, industry and society, development and infrastructure, and natural resources management.

However, I was very impressed to see that the WECC 2015 created a platform to cover all this innovations with the main “WECC 2015 will also provide a forum for sharing information focused on innovation required to make a sustainable development a reality and advances in fundamental technologies to achieve this vision.

Adopting local and global perspective aim to make a productive contribution to worldwide peace and socio economic development.” –

But how will continents like Africa and my country, Nigeria, benefit from this conference? Let me consider for instance innovation on energy for sustainable development: issues such as power generation technology have been targeted, and renewable energy sources and energy storage technology is a global concern is expected to be address.

This means that with the right policies, which are expected to be adopted from the conference, Nigeria can look forward to adopting a variety of cleaner energy technology such as solar energy, wind energy technology and of course an increase in hydro power generation technology.

With the achievement and implementation of the right policies and various technologies worldwide, it would be possible that carbon dioxide emission – which is the main source of ozone layer depletion resulting in global warming – will be drastically reduced.

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About me: I am a Nigerian who likes critical thinking, problem solving and youth motivation.

As a graduate of mechanical engineering I spend most of my time in solving complex engineering mathematics, puzzles and design. And notwithstanding I love playing football!

My passion for writing has made me to write a lot about several issues which I publish in my blog

My mission is to contribute to problem solving while impacting life across the world.

Opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Commonwealth Youth Programme. Articles are published in a spirit of dialogue, respect and understanding. If you disagree, why not submit a response.
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Obongifreke Friday photoEngineering is aimed at problem-solving, writes Obongifreke Friday, 27, a Correspondent from Akwaibom in Nigeria, as he looks at issues the profession is prepared to tackle.

This year world engineering conference and convention (WECC 2015) will be held November 28 – December 4 this year in Kyoto, Japan, with the theme “Engineering: Innovation and society”.

Engineering is a profession which has contributed immensely to different aspects of society. This could be witnessed in different innovations which engineers provide to ensure sustainable development some of which include mobility and communication technology, life innovation, industry and society, development and infrastructure, and natural resources management.

However, I was very impressed to see that the WECC 2015 created a platform to cover all this innovations with the main “WECC 2015 will also provide a forum for sharing information focused on innovation required to make a sustainable development a reality and advances in fundamental technologies to achieve this vision.

Adopting local and global perspective aim to make a productive contribution to worldwide peace and socio economic development.” –

But how will continents like Africa and my country, Nigeria, benefit from this conference? Let me consider for instance innovation on energy for sustainable development: issues such as power generation technology have been targeted, and renewable energy sources and energy storage technology is a global concern is expected to be address.

This means that with the right policies, which are expected to be adopted from the conference, Nigeria can look forward to adopting a variety of cleaner energy technology such as solar energy, wind energy technology and of course an increase in hydro power generation technology.

With the achievement and implementation of the right policies and various technologies worldwide, it would be possible that carbon dioxide emission – which is the main source of ozone layer depletion resulting in global warming – will be drastically reduced.

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About me: I am a Nigerian who likes critical thinking, problem solving and youth motivation.

As a graduate of mechanical engineering I spend most of my time in solving complex engineering mathematics, puzzles and design. And notwithstanding I love playing football!

My passion for writing has made me to write a lot about several issues which I publish in my blog

My mission is to contribute to problem solving while impacting life across the world.

Opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Commonwealth Youth Programme. Articles are published in a spirit of dialogue, respect and understanding. If you disagree, why not submit a response.
To learn more about becoming a Commonwealth Correspondent please visit:
