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Commonwealth Advisory Body on Sport (CABOS) meets in Delhi during 7-9 February 2011.

January 25th, 2011

Commonwealth Advisory Body on Sport (CABOS) meets in Delhi during 7-9 February 2011 for its annual meeting (CABOS 2011, DELHI). The meeting will be co chaired by the CABOS member from India, the host country along with Dr. Bruce Kidd, Chair, CABOS.

The first two days of the meeting will be devoted to the business of CABOS. On February 9, the Government of India, which is graciously hosting the meeting, has arranged a field trip of sport for development and peace (SDP) projects sites in northern India. CABOS will also hear about some of those projects during the formal part of the meeting. On the morning of the first day, CABOS will discuss the relevant developments in SDP in various commonwealth countries/regions that have taken place since the last meeting. CABOS will deliberate in detail about the draft action plan for Sport for Development and Peace and advice for its implementation through the Sport Development Adviser at the Commonwealth Secretariat. The draft action plan on SDP has been prepared based on the mandates emerging from  the Fifth Commonwealth Sport Ministers’ Meeting ( 5CSMM) which had met in Delhi in the margins of IXX Commonwealth Games in Delhi during October 2010.

The Commonwealth Advisory Body on Sport (CABOS) was established by the Commonwealth Sport Ministers’ Meeting (CSMM) in Athens in 2004 to advise the Commonwealth Secretariat and Commonwealth governments on sport policy, particularly with respect to sport for development and peace, and to investigate issues referred to it from time to time by CSMM, the Commonwealth Youth Ministers’ Meeting (CYMM) and the Commonwealth Secretariat.

The 14-member body is appointed by the Secretary General. Its members are drawn from every region of the Commonwealth, the Commonwealth Games Federation, the Commonwealth Youth Caucus and the host government of the Commonwealth Games, currently the Government of India. Members serve four-year terms. The current Chair, Dr. Bruce Kidd from Canada, succeeded founding Chair Baroness Sue Campbell of the UK in January 2009.


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Commonwealth Advisory Body on Sport (CABOS) meets in Delhi during 7-9 February 2011 for its annual meeting (CABOS 2011, DELHI). The meeting will be co chaired by the CABOS member from India, the host country along with Dr. Bruce Kidd, Chair, CABOS.

The first two days of the meeting will be devoted to the business of CABOS. On February 9, the Government of India, which is graciously hosting the meeting, has arranged a field trip of sport for development and peace (SDP) projects sites in northern India. CABOS will also hear about some of those projects during the formal part of the meeting. On the morning of the first day, CABOS will discuss the relevant developments in SDP in various commonwealth countries/regions that have taken place since the last meeting. CABOS will deliberate in detail about the draft action plan for Sport for Development and Peace and advice for its implementation through the Sport Development Adviser at the Commonwealth Secretariat. The draft action plan on SDP has been prepared based on the mandates emerging from  the Fifth Commonwealth Sport Ministers’ Meeting ( 5CSMM) which had met in Delhi in the margins of IXX Commonwealth Games in Delhi during October 2010.

The Commonwealth Advisory Body on Sport (CABOS) was established by the Commonwealth Sport Ministers’ Meeting (CSMM) in Athens in 2004 to advise the Commonwealth Secretariat and Commonwealth governments on sport policy, particularly with respect to sport for development and peace, and to investigate issues referred to it from time to time by CSMM, the Commonwealth Youth Ministers’ Meeting (CYMM) and the Commonwealth Secretariat.

The 14-member body is appointed by the Secretary General. Its members are drawn from every region of the Commonwealth, the Commonwealth Games Federation, the Commonwealth Youth Caucus and the host government of the Commonwealth Games, currently the Government of India. Members serve four-year terms. The current Chair, Dr. Bruce Kidd from Canada, succeeded founding Chair Baroness Sue Campbell of the UK in January 2009.