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“Empowering women will shape a community”

April 16th, 2018

The role of women in today’s changing world has found and strengthened new identities, writes Amit Jain, 26, a Correspondent from Pune, India, who argues that in spite of change, women remain crucial in shaping a community.

The world is breaking away from old traditions. With radical changes being seen all around us, there is one significant thing that has still remains the same: the importance of women in shaping a community.

The growth brought about by the hands of a woman in those around her has far-reaching effects. An empowered woman is a woman who has finally spread her wings for the vast horizon. However, when you empower a woman, you have essentially made sure that, through her, you have brought about a significant change to an environment.

Despite the evolution of gender roles, women remain the torchbearers of all-round development in any setting. A woman guides her own circle. She supports them in their need; she is the organiser and manager, and her invaluable presence– wherever it is– makes the place what it is meant to be.

Unlike the general authorities at large, hers is a figure that leads by example. The sheer diversity of women who have risen from hardship to success exhibits their strength. They have achieved the deserved victory by their own will and hard work.

In our perception of the empowered woman, it is vital that this self-reliance and self-sufficiency is distinct and free. For there is a risk of associating factors external and irrelevant to the issue when speaking of a woman’s capabilities. The role of men, especially, is one that disrupts the truth more often than not. While there are countless unmarried and married women who have had to prove their mettle fighting these perceptions, the remarkable stories of widows emerging from such shadows serve as eye-openers for all.

The harshly negative and discouraging view of widows in our society is an immensely difficult cross to bear. The pity and sympathy thrown at them is toxic, yet their might is not diminished. Widows have borne not only their own hardships, but also everything else that life placed in front of them. Considering the discrimination faced by women at large, widows are even more oppressed. Despite that, they possess the strength to stand on equal ground with everyone else, and rightfully so. When one sheds light on the unspoken restraints on widows, one finds that they are just as powerful as anybody else, well-equipped to face whatever challenges they may encounter while also serving as a beacon to follow and strive towards.

In an imbalanced environment, there are few sights as impressive as an empowered woman. She stands high with dignity and grace, yet without any of the awful attributes that are seen in those that obstruct her path. She leads the way, becomes a mentor, and shares her strength with all. Her own capabilities are not reduced in any way by the goodness she imparts. On the contrary, they are enhanced even more. The world is accepting the truth slowly: empowering women is not isolated in its consequences; it is a gift that keeps on giving.

Twitter: @amitjainmkr

Photo credit: Indigo Skies Photography shine a light via photopin (license)

About me: I am a graduate in commerce from the University North Maharashtra. At present I am a running a NGO name Mitti Ke Rang. I am passionate about changing the way people think about widows, and about gender equality. I am also a Shaper with the Global Shapers Community and a Global Youth Ambassador – A World at School.


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The role of women in today’s changing world has found and strengthened new identities, writes Amit Jain, 26, a Correspondent from Pune, India, who argues that in spite of change, women remain crucial in shaping a community.

The world is breaking away from old traditions. With radical changes being seen all around us, there is one significant thing that has still remains the same: the importance of women in shaping a community.

The growth brought about by the hands of a woman in those around her has far-reaching effects. An empowered woman is a woman who has finally spread her wings for the vast horizon. However, when you empower a woman, you have essentially made sure that, through her, you have brought about a significant change to an environment.

Despite the evolution of gender roles, women remain the torchbearers of all-round development in any setting. A woman guides her own circle. She supports them in their need; she is the organiser and manager, and her invaluable presence– wherever it is– makes the place what it is meant to be.

Unlike the general authorities at large, hers is a figure that leads by example. The sheer diversity of women who have risen from hardship to success exhibits their strength. They have achieved the deserved victory by their own will and hard work.

In our perception of the empowered woman, it is vital that this self-reliance and self-sufficiency is distinct and free. For there is a risk of associating factors external and irrelevant to the issue when speaking of a woman’s capabilities. The role of men, especially, is one that disrupts the truth more often than not. While there are countless unmarried and married women who have had to prove their mettle fighting these perceptions, the remarkable stories of widows emerging from such shadows serve as eye-openers for all.

The harshly negative and discouraging view of widows in our society is an immensely difficult cross to bear. The pity and sympathy thrown at them is toxic, yet their might is not diminished. Widows have borne not only their own hardships, but also everything else that life placed in front of them. Considering the discrimination faced by women at large, widows are even more oppressed. Despite that, they possess the strength to stand on equal ground with everyone else, and rightfully so. When one sheds light on the unspoken restraints on widows, one finds that they are just as powerful as anybody else, well-equipped to face whatever challenges they may encounter while also serving as a beacon to follow and strive towards.

In an imbalanced environment, there are few sights as impressive as an empowered woman. She stands high with dignity and grace, yet without any of the awful attributes that are seen in those that obstruct her path. She leads the way, becomes a mentor, and shares her strength with all. Her own capabilities are not reduced in any way by the goodness she imparts. On the contrary, they are enhanced even more. The world is accepting the truth slowly: empowering women is not isolated in its consequences; it is a gift that keeps on giving.

Twitter: @amitjainmkr

Photo credit: Indigo Skies Photography shine a light via photopin (license)

About me: I am a graduate in commerce from the University North Maharashtra. At present I am a running a NGO name Mitti Ke Rang. I am passionate about changing the way people think about widows, and about gender equality. I am also a Shaper with the Global Shapers Community and a Global Youth Ambassador – A World at School.


Opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Commonwealth Youth Programme. Articles are published in a spirit of dialogue, respect and understanding. If you disagree, why not submit a response?
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