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"Threat to minorities threatens Pakistan's ideology"

February 28th, 2014

Naseema PerveenPakistan was founded as a country of peace and brotherhood, writes Naseema Perveen, 22, a Commonwealth Correspondent from Islamabad in Pakistan. But the growing threat of fundamentalist activists is turning those principles upside down.

Pakistan was established in the name of Islam, a state where freedom of choice and freedom of faith was to be practiced. Quaid, the Father of the Nation, made this country with his tireless and strenuous efforts so that Muslims can spend a peaceful life.

Conversely what we witness today is a situation of hue and cry, life insecurity, rising unrest, and killing in the name of religion, coupled with both social and economical backwardness.

The current threat to the Ismaili Muslims and the Kalash tribe (who are descendents from Alexander the Great) residing in the North Western Frontier Province of Chitral, Pakistan, is very alarming. It is has turned upside down the ideology of Pakistan. Moreover genocide is practiced openly in the country. After a persistent rise in inhumane bloodshed in the tribal areas, atrocious killings of Shia in the Quetta, and the brutal killing of the Christians in Peshawar, now threats are being sent by TTP to the other Ismaili Muslims and the Kalash minority residing in Chitral.

In a 50-minutes long video released on Friday, 2 February, TTP threatens both the minority groups openly in a statement which reads “By the grace of Allah, an increasing number of people from the Kalash tribe are embracing Islam and we want to make it clear to the Kalash tribe that they will be eliminated along with their protectors, the Western agents if they don’t embrace Islam”. The narrator goes on to say that “The Aga Khan Foundation is running 16 schools and 16 colleges and hostels where young men and women are given free education and brainwashed to keep them away from Islam”.

The relentless rise of TTP in Pakistan is a very big challenge, and due to it unfortunately our motherland is known as “The Land of Terrorists”. Yet the practices of TTP are against the basic principles of Islam, the teachings of Holy Prophet, and the ideology of the country. Islam is a religion of peace, brotherhood, and love. The threat to both the Ismaili Muslims and the Kalash Tribe of the valley is not only a threat to the minorities; rather it is also a threat to the ideology of Pakistan.

Failure of governance, weak public policy and the malfunctioning of institutions are solely responsible for the current crisis in the country.  For more than a decade we have been witnessing escalation of Taliban militants, who started with followers numbering in the hundreds, reached thousands and are still incessantly increasing in numbers in the country.

What is the government is waiting for? What pragmatic steps by the authorities have we witnessed so far in order to curb the rising challenge? Alternatively our leaders are offering them a peace dialogue. Authorities have still enough time to take some serious steps to check this major issue prevailing in the country. Moreover the current step taken by Tassaduq Hussain is highly appreciated, and there is hope it will ensure security to both the minority groups of the ChitralValley.

photo credit: manalahmadkhan via photopin cc


About me:

I am a blogger, writer, and a social person. I am a responsible, trust worthy and friendly person. My aim of writing is to address the social issues, many of which remain unnoticed.
I am an Economics graduate of Quaid-i-AzamUniversity, Islamabad. I aspire to make my career in social development as a social worker. I have passion to work with people from all walks of life and I believe social development is only possible through common effort and consultation.

Follow me @naseemaO
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Naseema PerveenPakistan was founded as a country of peace and brotherhood, writes Naseema Perveen, 22, a Commonwealth Correspondent from Islamabad in Pakistan. But the growing threat of fundamentalist activists is turning those principles upside down.

Pakistan was established in the name of Islam, a state where freedom of choice and freedom of faith was to be practiced. Quaid, the Father of the Nation, made this country with his tireless and strenuous efforts so that Muslims can spend a peaceful life.

Conversely what we witness today is a situation of hue and cry, life insecurity, rising unrest, and killing in the name of religion, coupled with both social and economical backwardness.

The current threat to the Ismaili Muslims and the Kalash tribe (who are descendents from Alexander the Great) residing in the North Western Frontier Province of Chitral, Pakistan, is very alarming. It is has turned upside down the ideology of Pakistan. Moreover genocide is practiced openly in the country. After a persistent rise in inhumane bloodshed in the tribal areas, atrocious killings of Shia in the Quetta, and the brutal killing of the Christians in Peshawar, now threats are being sent by TTP to the other Ismaili Muslims and the Kalash minority residing in Chitral.

In a 50-minutes long video released on Friday, 2 February, TTP threatens both the minority groups openly in a statement which reads “By the grace of Allah, an increasing number of people from the Kalash tribe are embracing Islam and we want to make it clear to the Kalash tribe that they will be eliminated along with their protectors, the Western agents if they don’t embrace Islam”. The narrator goes on to say that “The Aga Khan Foundation is running 16 schools and 16 colleges and hostels where young men and women are given free education and brainwashed to keep them away from Islam”.

The relentless rise of TTP in Pakistan is a very big challenge, and due to it unfortunately our motherland is known as “The Land of Terrorists”. Yet the practices of TTP are against the basic principles of Islam, the teachings of Holy Prophet, and the ideology of the country. Islam is a religion of peace, brotherhood, and love. The threat to both the Ismaili Muslims and the Kalash Tribe of the valley is not only a threat to the minorities; rather it is also a threat to the ideology of Pakistan.

Failure of governance, weak public policy and the malfunctioning of institutions are solely responsible for the current crisis in the country.  For more than a decade we have been witnessing escalation of Taliban militants, who started with followers numbering in the hundreds, reached thousands and are still incessantly increasing in numbers in the country.

What is the government is waiting for? What pragmatic steps by the authorities have we witnessed so far in order to curb the rising challenge? Alternatively our leaders are offering them a peace dialogue. Authorities have still enough time to take some serious steps to check this major issue prevailing in the country. Moreover the current step taken by Tassaduq Hussain is highly appreciated, and there is hope it will ensure security to both the minority groups of the ChitralValley.

photo credit: manalahmadkhan via photopin cc


About me:

I am a blogger, writer, and a social person. I am a responsible, trust worthy and friendly person. My aim of writing is to address the social issues, many of which remain unnoticed.
I am an Economics graduate of Quaid-i-AzamUniversity, Islamabad. I aspire to make my career in social development as a social worker. I have passion to work with people from all walks of life and I believe social development is only possible through common effort and consultation.

Follow me @naseemaO
Opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Commonwealth Youth Programme. Articles are published in a spirit of dialogue, respect and understanding. If you disagree, why not submit a response?
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