The earthquake and nuclear disaster in Japan has forced us to think again about the viability of nuclear power. ‘Is it time we rejected or recommitted to the energy source?’ asks 18-year-old student Amanda McClintock from Queensland, Australia. Electricity is a vital part of our society and our way of life. However, fossil fuels cannot last …

"Nuclear power – is it worth the trouble?" Read More »

Climate change denial can be founded on a range of values that have little or nothing to do with science, writes 26-year-old Sean O’Rourke from Melbourne, Australia. On any day of the week, a cursory glance at a letter to the editor page of any major Australian newspaper will reveal the confusion and anger felt …

Correspondence: ‘Climate change scepticism defies logic’ Read More »

Climate change denial can be founded on a range of values that have little or nothing to do with science, writes 26-year-old Sean O’Rourke from Melbourne, Australia. On any day of the week, a cursory glance at a letter to the editor page of any major Australian newspaper will reveal the confusion and anger felt …

"Climate change scepticism defies logic" Read More »

Recent weeks have seen an increase in crocodile sightings in urban and rural areas of northern Australia. What, if anything, should be done? asks 27-year-old Sarah Kilcoyne from Brisbane, Queensland. In 1981, after decades of humans hunting them for their valuable skins, only 3,000 documented saltwater crocodiles remained in the Northern Territory of Australia. Consequently, …

Correspondence: ‘Our tempestuous relationship with crocodiles’ Read More »

Recent weeks have seen an increase in crocodile sightings in urban and rural areas of northern Australia. What, if anything, should be done? asks 27-year-old Sarah Kilcoyne from Brisbane, Queensland. In 1981, after decades of humans hunting them for their valuable skins, only 3,000 documented saltwater crocodiles remained in the Northern Territory of Australia. Consequently, …

'Our tempestuous relationship with crocodiles' Read More »

2011 was the first year that Jamaica formally participated in Earth Hour, a global movement that highlights damage to the environment by calling on people to turn off all lights at 8.30pm. Nakeeta Nembhard reports. In recent times, the campaign against climate change has gained significant momentum with initiatives staged to raise awareness about this …

Correspondence: "Social media helped promote Jamaica’s first Earth Hour" Read More »

The destruction of natural habitats is not only damaging for biodiversity, but also has a long-term impact on the socio-economic welfare of humans, reports 17-year-old Grant Duthie, a Commonwealth Correspondent from the Gold Coast of Australia. Let’s cut to the chase: biodiversity is in a shocking state and global action to mitigate the erosion of …

“Governments must provide the framework to protect biodiversity” Read More »

The destruction of natural habitats is not only damaging for biodiversity, but also has a long-term impact on the socio-economic welfare of humans, reports 17-year-old Grant Duthie, a Commonwealth Correspondent from the Gold Coast of Australia. Let’s cut to the chase: biodiversity is in a shocking state and global action to mitigate the erosion of …

"Governments must provide the framework to protect biodiversity" Read More »

In Jamaica, a decision to merge housing and environmental responsibilities into a single ministry has stoked controversy and raised questions about the government’s priorities, writes 24-year-old Commonwealth Correspondent Nakeeta Nembhard. Recently there has been much discussion surrounding the re-allocation of the environment portfolio to the Ministry of Housing & Water in Jamaica. The range of views …

“Sound environmental policy is critical to development” Read More »