by Faseeh Abbas Militias and other non-state actors throughout the Middle East have, for the past few years, become a central theme in building conflicts, especially in the Israel-Palestine struggle. Most of them are affiliated to or influenced by Iran, whose proxy support strategy has led to a key question: why does Iran heavily rely …

Proxies of Iran and the Middle East: A Struggle for Regional Supremacy Read More »

by Faseeh Abbas The turmoil in the Middle East, a daily fixture in global news, can be traced back to historical decisions made by Western powers, particularly the British, in the aftermath of World War I. At the heart of this complex narrative lies the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1915, where the Triple Entente divided the …

The Middle East – How Western Powers unmade it? Read More »

It may be a hard road and sacrifices may have to be made, but the sweet taste of freedom is a privilege that shouldn’t be traded for anything in the world, writes Francis Ventura, 21, a Commonwealth Correspondent from Melbourne, Australia. The hotel receptionist looked at me with a mix of humor, astonishment and amazement when …

“The Arab Spring provided hope to millions of suffering people” Read More »

It may be a hard road and sacrifices may have to be made, but the sweet taste of freedom is a privilege that shouldn’t be traded for anything in the world, writes Francis Ventura, 21, a Commonwealth Correspondent from Melbourne, Australia. The hotel receptionist looked at me with a mix of humor, astonishment and amazement when …

"The Arab Spring provided hope to millions of suffering people” Read More »

The use of chemical weapons in Syria has world leaders pondering a military response, writes Ariela St. Pierre-Collins, 15, a Commonwealth Correspondent from Barbados. But she argues that education offers a better option. The global community was taken by storm when graphic photos were posted featuring the human rights-defying deaths of people mere hours after …

“There are ways to help Syria achieve peace” Read More »