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Editor’s message to Correspondents

June 12th, 2018

About five and a half years ago, I was offered an extraordinary opportunity. I was invited to become the editor of an online magazine for young writers from Commonwealth countries.

Little did I know just how extraordinary the opportunity was to be.

As editor, I have come to meet over 200 amazing individuals from across the globe. I have been privileged to correspond with young people who are bright, accomplished, committed, reflective, and determined to change their world for the better.

I’ve conversed, through email exchanges and in working with your articles, with brave writers who are willing to tell their own stories, challenge the status quo, share their views, and step forward with ideas for constructive change. Along with other website readers, your articles took me to many countries, introduced me to notable people, and allowed me to learn about cultures, issues and events that are important to the generation that will be our next leaders.

The nearly 900 articles I have edited leave me deeply impressed with the energy, passion, creativity and enormous capacity for good that resides in the youth of the Commonwealth.  Correspondents have used this platform to share with readers their ideas about ways to solve problems and to understand each other.

It’s been particularly rewarding as editor to witness the progress of Commonwealth Correspondents themselves. Over their time as Correspondents, many have completed their studies, or travelled overseas for further academic pursuits. Many more have joined or established NGOs, or are engaged in communication, journalism, law, medicine, or as change agents at the local and national level. They have won awards and are making a difference. I’m tremendously proud of all the contributions and work of Correspondents, and proud of YourCommonwealth for being a platform that encourages opportunity and growth.

My decision to retire as editor was not an easy one. I have enjoyed the connection with so many of you, and will miss that special link with Correspondents. You have been good to me, and I hope I have been helpful to you. More than that, I hope you and many more Commonwealth Correspondents will continue to use this network to support one another, and to promote the Commonwealth values that will take us all toward a common future that is strong and positive.

This is my last week as Editor of YourCommonwealth. Watch for further information, but meanwhile I wish the very best to the new editor, the programme, and especially to every Correspondent.

With warm regards,

Pat Perkel

Photo credit: laptop-iphone-desk – Must Link to via photopin (license)


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About five and a half years ago, I was offered an extraordinary opportunity. I was invited to become the editor of an online magazine for young writers from Commonwealth countries.

Little did I know just how extraordinary the opportunity was to be.

As editor, I have come to meet over 200 amazing individuals from across the globe. I have been privileged to correspond with young people who are bright, accomplished, committed, reflective, and determined to change their world for the better.

I’ve conversed, through email exchanges and in working with your articles, with brave writers who are willing to tell their own stories, challenge the status quo, share their views, and step forward with ideas for constructive change. Along with other website readers, your articles took me to many countries, introduced me to notable people, and allowed me to learn about cultures, issues and events that are important to the generation that will be our next leaders.

The nearly 900 articles I have edited leave me deeply impressed with the energy, passion, creativity and enormous capacity for good that resides in the youth of the Commonwealth.  Correspondents have used this platform to share with readers their ideas about ways to solve problems and to understand each other.

It’s been particularly rewarding as editor to witness the progress of Commonwealth Correspondents themselves. Over their time as Correspondents, many have completed their studies, or travelled overseas for further academic pursuits. Many more have joined or established NGOs, or are engaged in communication, journalism, law, medicine, or as change agents at the local and national level. They have won awards and are making a difference. I’m tremendously proud of all the contributions and work of Correspondents, and proud of YourCommonwealth for being a platform that encourages opportunity and growth.

My decision to retire as editor was not an easy one. I have enjoyed the connection with so many of you, and will miss that special link with Correspondents. You have been good to me, and I hope I have been helpful to you. More than that, I hope you and many more Commonwealth Correspondents will continue to use this network to support one another, and to promote the Commonwealth values that will take us all toward a common future that is strong and positive.

This is my last week as Editor of YourCommonwealth. Watch for further information, but meanwhile I wish the very best to the new editor, the programme, and especially to every Correspondent.

With warm regards,

Pat Perkel

Photo credit: laptop-iphone-desk – Must Link to via photopin (license)