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Online course in freedom of expression

November 7th, 2017

A free massive open online course (MOOC) on the international and African legal framework on freedom of expression has been launched, offered by UNESCO and the Centre for Human Rights at the University of Pretoria. The course is specifically designed for judges and other judicial members, including judicial officers, prosecutors, parliamentarians and lawyers. It is also open to journalists, civil society, bloggers, human rights advocates, academics and others interested in the topic. This project is implemented in the framework of the UN Plan of Action on Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity, which aims to create a free and safe environment for journalists and media workers.

Through the online course, you will have the opportunity to learn more about the right to freedom of expression, its legal frameworks, challenges to free speech in the digital age, access to information and the safety of journalists. Over the course of five weeks, the high-profile instructors will cover the following modules:

  • Module 1: General introduction to the international and regional framework on freedom of expression
  • Module 2: Legitimate restrictions on the right to freedom of expression
  • Module 3: The safety of journalists and the issue of impunity
  • Module 4: The right of access to public information in the context of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and African standards
  • Module 5: New challenges to freedom of expression and the internet

The MOOC demands no previous requirements or education, it is free and offers a certificate at the end for those that have followed it. It is also possible to follow less modules if you happen to have an interest for only certain topics. We invite you to enroll now by following this link :

For more information, please consult the attached leaflet, or contact: Mehdi Benchelah, UNESCO:  or Lola Shyllon, University of Pretoria:


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A free massive open online course (MOOC) on the international and African legal framework on freedom of expression has been launched, offered by UNESCO and the Centre for Human Rights at the University of Pretoria. The course is specifically designed for judges and other judicial members, including judicial officers, prosecutors, parliamentarians and lawyers. It is also open to journalists, civil society, bloggers, human rights advocates, academics and others interested in the topic. This project is implemented in the framework of the UN Plan of Action on Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity, which aims to create a free and safe environment for journalists and media workers.

Through the online course, you will have the opportunity to learn more about the right to freedom of expression, its legal frameworks, challenges to free speech in the digital age, access to information and the safety of journalists. Over the course of five weeks, the high-profile instructors will cover the following modules:

  • Module 1: General introduction to the international and regional framework on freedom of expression
  • Module 2: Legitimate restrictions on the right to freedom of expression
  • Module 3: The safety of journalists and the issue of impunity
  • Module 4: The right of access to public information in the context of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and African standards
  • Module 5: New challenges to freedom of expression and the internet

The MOOC demands no previous requirements or education, it is free and offers a certificate at the end for those that have followed it. It is also possible to follow less modules if you happen to have an interest for only certain topics. We invite you to enroll now by following this link :

For more information, please consult the attached leaflet, or contact: Mehdi Benchelah, UNESCO:  or Lola Shyllon, University of Pretoria: