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“The purpose of your life on this earth”

January 28th, 2016

Lyn-Marie BlackmanLyn-Marie Blackman, 29, a Commonwealth Correspondent from Barbados, reflects on the challenge – and reward – of finding meaning among the demands and pressures of everyday life.

The planet Earth has been estimated to house seven billion people. These seven billion are composed of individuals who are of different ethnicities, religious persuasions, sexual preferences, professional and educational backgrounds.

Seven billion people on earth trying to co-exist despite the differences in lifestyles that have posed and continue to pose a severe challenge; where the harmony, balance and equality that are supposed to reside as we share the same planet normally is replaced by strife, envy and avarice.

The challenge of life has gotten to some, to the extent that many have chosen to engage in self-mutilation and other forms of harmful behaviour. The demand of being the best at academics by a hard-to-please parent, the need to push yourself over the limit in order to obtain that job promotion, or altering your personality to fit into a particular social group has its downside.

However, the purpose to anyone’s life is the key to their existence here on earth. How many of us have taken that much-needed retreat from the mundane and really asked these thought-provoking questions: What is the purpose of my life? With it challenges and its beauty, what am I here for? Am I here just to be another face on this earth, or am I here to bring about real change in the environment in which I live?

Many of us are able to supply answers to these fingernail-biting questions, while some cannot. Earth is a beautiful place. With the sun rising and setting every day, with the change in seasons and the tranquillity of the trees blowing in the ever-present air that we consume on a daily basis, one must take into consideration that they are not here for nothing.

On occasion we as a people get so caught up with the glitz and glamour of material existence that we forget that the Earth, too, has its purpose as our home for as long as we are meant to be here.  The Earth nourishes us with its shelter and food. As we wake up each and every day and embrace this gifting from the Divine Creator, let us all aim to be in tune –  or get more in tune – with the Earth.

If we set our lives to listen to the Earth, it will tell us our purpose as its inhabitants. Once we as a people get more aligned with our universe and how it functions, we should come across some path or some journey that can take us to that inevitable table of purpose which we all unknowingly are seeking – because to live means there is a purpose.

photo credit: MODIS in PlanetMaker via photopin (license)

About me: I am a conservative and articulate individual with an innate desire to see love, peace and unity triumph. My interests lie in medical research. I enjoy researching medical news from around the world and reporting it in my monthly newsletter entitled L.I.F.E.

I love biomedical science and believe it holds the key to a healthier society. I aspire to become a medical researcher and writer. My focus now is obtaining more exposure for my newsletters: L.I.F.E. and The Believer.

Opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Commonwealth Youth Programme. Articles are published in a spirit of dialogue, respect and understanding. If you disagree, why not submit a response?
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