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“My reasons for supporting feminism”

January 29th, 2016

Omang AgarwalFeminism is a controversial issue, writes Omang Agarwal, 19, a Correspondent from India, but he suggests that looking at the women in one’s own family can make a strong argument in favour of gender equality.

Feminism in India has been controversial and under fire due to the influence of many traditions, religions, customs and orthodox laws.

It is astonishing to see that young men and boys look at it from the perspective of a dominating term and ideology that attacks the notion of male chauvinism, rather than one that would establish the notion of gender equality.

The reason for such an unaware and undisciplined approach can be found by referring to regional traditions and customs, absence of feminist theory in the education system, and the misuse of powers vested by law.

In the end it therefore appears to them as a very negative set of instruction which overpower women in society. Even worse is the fact that the world follows violent and orthodox ideologies without reason.

“Feminism is a range of movements and ideologies that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve equal political, economic, cultural, personal, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. A feminist advocates or supports the rights and equality of women.” – Feminism is for everybody: Passionate Politics

Feminism historically owes its emergence to the three waves of feminist movements. The term feminism was used first by French philosopher Charles Fourier for all kinds of movements which aimed to establish the rights of women of the world. The first out of the three waves aimed to have suffrage; the second to establish socio-economical rights and the third was a follow up movement to counter the failure of the second wave.

My reasons for supporting feminism are a series of opinions collected in this journey. They are conclusions drawn from stories and incidents, and bring one closer to supporting the theory of feminism. It is often said that those who don’t learn by choice are taught lessons by life. My views on supporting the ideology also have their origin from similar methods.

Our mothers have always inspired us to achieve greater things and supported us in any manner possible. “From birth to death I spoke of her” completely describes her contribution towards us. Perhaps the respect that we have for our mothers gives us the very first reason that we should be feminists.

The only girls who know about your funniest secrets, and yet have the best conditions not to reveal them and blackmail you on each every occasion – yes, they are our sisters. They have on every occasion proven to be our best friends. No matter what, they always stand by you and prove to be the happiest creatures around you. Another perfect reason that one would always raise their efforts and voices to support any woman.

Our girl-friends: They’ve always been the source behind the worst of pranks and best of times in school and college, office and life. How could one not join in to ask for their rights and equality?  Especially when you’ve been treating her equally all your life.

Research shows women have been proven to uphold moral standards and oppose corruption if holding public or political posts. Wow – another reason that we are proud that the first wave of feminism actually took place.

Besides all the many reasons one would be able to think of, it is important for the youth to realize why they should be feminists – the very fact that women have the ability to do as much as men portrays the fact that they are born equal and therefore gender equality is a must. Today, statistics from organizations like UN Women and other such agencies show that India lies far beyond normal standards of gender equality. Crimes such as female infanticide, child marriage, rape, molestation, honour killings, and ‘sati’ have caused enough harm, along with the traditional chauvinism that exists in the society.

Women demand rights today, and the world needs to step up and stand for it. It is universally accepted that even if the world wants peace, a group of few people could disturb the stability periodically and yet peace could be established. Let’s dream about that day when the world would want equal women’s rights and no periodical disturbance would be able to break the foundation of such noble thoughts. We are not talking about reservation for women, we are talking about equality.

Let gender equality be the aim. 

Reach me on Twitter @Omang_Agarwal

photo credit: Gender equality poster via photopin (license)

About me: I am a Social worker, adventurer and motivational speaker. I work in the area of education and peace building. I love to sing, dance, cook, eat different kinds of food and find peace in silent spots and old age homes.  I dream to have a world with rational youth who can voice opinions and reasons. I love helping the youth with their problems, and I love writing as it brings peace and ability to communicate efficiently.…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Commonwealth Youth Programme. Articles are published in a spirit of dialogue, respect and understanding. If you disagree, why not submit a response.
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Omang AgarwalFeminism is a controversial issue, writes Omang Agarwal, 19, a Correspondent from India, but he suggests that looking at the women in one’s own family can make a strong argument in favour of gender equality.

Feminism in India has been controversial and under fire due to the influence of many traditions, religions, customs and orthodox laws.

It is astonishing to see that young men and boys look at it from the perspective of a dominating term and ideology that attacks the notion of male chauvinism, rather than one that would establish the notion of gender equality.

The reason for such an unaware and undisciplined approach can be found by referring to regional traditions and customs, absence of feminist theory in the education system, and the misuse of powers vested by law.

In the end it therefore appears to them as a very negative set of instruction which overpower women in society. Even worse is the fact that the world follows violent and orthodox ideologies without reason.

“Feminism is a range of movements and ideologies that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve equal political, economic, cultural, personal, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. A feminist advocates or supports the rights and equality of women.” – Feminism is for everybody: Passionate Politics

Feminism historically owes its emergence to the three waves of feminist movements. The term feminism was used first by French philosopher Charles Fourier for all kinds of movements which aimed to establish the rights of women of the world. The first out of the three waves aimed to have suffrage; the second to establish socio-economical rights and the third was a follow up movement to counter the failure of the second wave.

My reasons for supporting feminism are a series of opinions collected in this journey. They are conclusions drawn from stories and incidents, and bring one closer to supporting the theory of feminism. It is often said that those who don’t learn by choice are taught lessons by life. My views on supporting the ideology also have their origin from similar methods.

Our mothers have always inspired us to achieve greater things and supported us in any manner possible. “From birth to death I spoke of her” completely describes her contribution towards us. Perhaps the respect that we have for our mothers gives us the very first reason that we should be feminists.

The only girls who know about your funniest secrets, and yet have the best conditions not to reveal them and blackmail you on each every occasion – yes, they are our sisters. They have on every occasion proven to be our best friends. No matter what, they always stand by you and prove to be the happiest creatures around you. Another perfect reason that one would always raise their efforts and voices to support any woman.

Our girl-friends: They’ve always been the source behind the worst of pranks and best of times in school and college, office and life. How could one not join in to ask for their rights and equality?  Especially when you’ve been treating her equally all your life.

Research shows women have been proven to uphold moral standards and oppose corruption if holding public or political posts. Wow – another reason that we are proud that the first wave of feminism actually took place.

Besides all the many reasons one would be able to think of, it is important for the youth to realize why they should be feminists – the very fact that women have the ability to do as much as men portrays the fact that they are born equal and therefore gender equality is a must. Today, statistics from organizations like UN Women and other such agencies show that India lies far beyond normal standards of gender equality. Crimes such as female infanticide, child marriage, rape, molestation, honour killings, and ‘sati’ have caused enough harm, along with the traditional chauvinism that exists in the society.

Women demand rights today, and the world needs to step up and stand for it. It is universally accepted that even if the world wants peace, a group of few people could disturb the stability periodically and yet peace could be established. Let’s dream about that day when the world would want equal women’s rights and no periodical disturbance would be able to break the foundation of such noble thoughts. We are not talking about reservation for women, we are talking about equality.

Let gender equality be the aim. 

Reach me on Twitter @Omang_Agarwal

photo credit: Gender equality poster via photopin (license)

About me: I am a Social worker, adventurer and motivational speaker. I work in the area of education and peace building. I love to sing, dance, cook, eat different kinds of food and find peace in silent spots and old age homes.  I dream to have a world with rational youth who can voice opinions and reasons. I love helping the youth with their problems, and I love writing as it brings peace and ability to communicate efficiently.…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Commonwealth Youth Programme. Articles are published in a spirit of dialogue, respect and understanding. If you disagree, why not submit a response.
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