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“The individual’s role in health and healing”

April 7th, 2017

Lyn-Marie BlackmanThe state of health involves more than being disease-free. Lyn-Marie Blackman, a Commonwealth Correspondent alumni from Barbados, reflects on individual response to physical and emotion well-being and stress.

As we navigate through this maze called life, we all at some point have experienced feelings of being unwell. And as we go through this period, we all are aiming to get back on that road of optimality.

The healing process is the body’s natural balancing mechanism meted out to an illness. When an illness abounds in a body it is signaling that is it out of balance and that it needs to be realigned into a state of normalcy. Illness can take the form of mental, physical and emotional impediments.

Mental illness normally takes the form of depression, which encompasses bouts of loneliness and irritability. It is the time when one goes through the various meltdown periods to experience one’s inner self and how that self should and will relate to the world around them.

Physical illness is when the body is in a state of toxicity and deficiency. It is so toxic and polluted that the body has an overabundance of toxins that has precluded it from operating in its normal balanced capacity. The deficiency is the body depleted of its vital life force.

Emotional illness takes the form of out of control tempers and other forms of agitations which oftentimes lead to stress that can heavily impair the immune system.

No matter the form of illness; one thing is for certain. The body, mind and soul are all fighting to be well. However, the overarching message that is being transmitted by the body is that it needs you to lend it assistance to get it back into balance. Super foods should be consumed in balance, surround yourself with clean air, water and productive people. Healing is the job of the individual.

Healing is a process and not a quick fix. It is a journey that brings an experience that for some can be dreadful, or a period of growth and maturity for others. When one is taught to take a pill, tablet, or suppository for a particular issue and then the next day the symptoms are gone but the root cause of the illness has not fully been investigated and fleshed out – then has true ‘healing’ taken place or just a quick fix?

In life, spills and falls will occur that throw us off our path of functionality. Some get sick and have allowed themselves to wither on the vine. Others have taken the news of sickness and this has engineered within many a spirit of vitality and resurgence for life. When one goes through an ordeal, one can either choose to allow that experience to be an obstacle that may be viewed as insurmountable or view it as a call to elevate and transcend by leaps and bounds.

We are all seeking that path of wellness in life. The journey for some has been rough, but as the sayings go, ‘the longest journey begins with a single step’ and ‘behind every dark cloud there is a silver lining’.

photo credit: duncan Maze, Längenfeld, Austria via photopin (license)

About me: I am a conservative and articulate individual with an innate desire to see love, peace and unity triumph. My interests lie in medical research. I enjoy researching medical news from around the world and reporting it in my monthly newsletter entitled L.I.F.E.

I love biomedical science and believe it holds the key to a healthier society. I aspire to become a medical researcher and writer. My focus now is obtaining more exposure for my newsletters: L.I.F.E. and The Believer.

Opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Commonwealth Youth Programme. Articles are published in a spirit of dialogue, respect and understanding. If you disagree, why not submit a response?
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Lyn-Marie BlackmanThe state of health involves more than being disease-free. Lyn-Marie Blackman, a Commonwealth Correspondent alumni from Barbados, reflects on individual response to physical and emotion well-being and stress.

As we navigate through this maze called life, we all at some point have experienced feelings of being unwell. And as we go through this period, we all are aiming to get back on that road of optimality.

The healing process is the body’s natural balancing mechanism meted out to an illness. When an illness abounds in a body it is signaling that is it out of balance and that it needs to be realigned into a state of normalcy. Illness can take the form of mental, physical and emotional impediments.

Mental illness normally takes the form of depression, which encompasses bouts of loneliness and irritability. It is the time when one goes through the various meltdown periods to experience one’s inner self and how that self should and will relate to the world around them.

Physical illness is when the body is in a state of toxicity and deficiency. It is so toxic and polluted that the body has an overabundance of toxins that has precluded it from operating in its normal balanced capacity. The deficiency is the body depleted of its vital life force.

Emotional illness takes the form of out of control tempers and other forms of agitations which oftentimes lead to stress that can heavily impair the immune system.

No matter the form of illness; one thing is for certain. The body, mind and soul are all fighting to be well. However, the overarching message that is being transmitted by the body is that it needs you to lend it assistance to get it back into balance. Super foods should be consumed in balance, surround yourself with clean air, water and productive people. Healing is the job of the individual.

Healing is a process and not a quick fix. It is a journey that brings an experience that for some can be dreadful, or a period of growth and maturity for others. When one is taught to take a pill, tablet, or suppository for a particular issue and then the next day the symptoms are gone but the root cause of the illness has not fully been investigated and fleshed out – then has true ‘healing’ taken place or just a quick fix?

In life, spills and falls will occur that throw us off our path of functionality. Some get sick and have allowed themselves to wither on the vine. Others have taken the news of sickness and this has engineered within many a spirit of vitality and resurgence for life. When one goes through an ordeal, one can either choose to allow that experience to be an obstacle that may be viewed as insurmountable or view it as a call to elevate and transcend by leaps and bounds.

We are all seeking that path of wellness in life. The journey for some has been rough, but as the sayings go, ‘the longest journey begins with a single step’ and ‘behind every dark cloud there is a silver lining’.

photo credit: duncan Maze, Längenfeld, Austria via photopin (license)

About me: I am a conservative and articulate individual with an innate desire to see love, peace and unity triumph. My interests lie in medical research. I enjoy researching medical news from around the world and reporting it in my monthly newsletter entitled L.I.F.E.

I love biomedical science and believe it holds the key to a healthier society. I aspire to become a medical researcher and writer. My focus now is obtaining more exposure for my newsletters: L.I.F.E. and The Believer.

Opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Commonwealth Youth Programme. Articles are published in a spirit of dialogue, respect and understanding. If you disagree, why not submit a response?
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