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Tag: Pacific

There has been a mixed reaction to a recently passed carbon tax in Australia. Many say it will boost growth and promote a more sustainable country. Others however say the cost of living will inevitably rise, reports Sharlene Sturk, 19, a Commonwealth Correspondent from Victoria, Australia. The issue of climate change has divided many people …

“Australia’s new carbon tax aims to make polluters pay” Read More »

There has been a mixed reaction to a recently passed carbon tax in Australia. Many say it will boost growth and promote a more sustainable country. Others however say the cost of living will inevitably rise, reports Sharlene Sturk, 19, a Commonwealth Correspondent from Victoria, Australia. The issue of climate change has divided many people …

"Australia's new carbon tax aims to make polluters pay" Read More »

The pitfalls identified in New Zealand’s general election on 26 November go to show that political parties need to get their head around social media, and fast, reports Commonwealth Correspondent Eva Maria, 21. Media coverage of the recent ­New Zealand elections was described by many as uneventful. The country was buzzing, as National and Labour …

“The use of social media throughout New Zealand’s election day” Read More »

The pitfalls identified in New Zealand’s general election on 26 November go to show that political parties need to get their head around social media, and fast, reports Commonwealth Correspondent Eva Maria, 21. Media coverage of the recent ­New Zealand elections was described by many as uneventful. The country was buzzing, as National and Labour …

"The use of social media throughout New Zealand's election day" Read More »

Community based sports initiatives in Australia are offering young people fun and improved health, while also defying the expectations of older people, writes Amanda McClintock, 19, a Commonwealth Correspondent from Queensland. Across Australia and the world, sports are considered very highly as a profession, entertainment or social activity. Whilst there is a group of elite few …

“The benefits of community team sports on younger generations” Read More »

Community based sports initiatives in Australia are offering young people fun and improved health, while also defying the expectations of older people, writes Amanda McClintock, 19, a Commonwealth Correspondent from Queensland. Across Australia and the world, sports are considered very highly as a profession, entertainment or social activity. Whilst there is a group of elite few …

"The benefits of community team sports on younger generations" Read More »

The Foreign Minister of Seychelles gives his views on the challenges facing the development of small island states, political instability and change across Africa, carbon emissions and the 2011 Commonwealth summit. Report by Francis Ventura, a Commonwealth Correspondent from Melbourne, Australia. Francis: The Arab Spring democratic uprisings have not had the results that many of …

Interview with Jean-Paul Adam, Foreign Minister of Seychelles Read More »

It may be a hard road and sacrifices may have to be made, but the sweet taste of freedom is a privilege that shouldn’t be traded for anything in the world, writes Francis Ventura, 21, a Commonwealth Correspondent from Melbourne, Australia. The hotel receptionist looked at me with a mix of humor, astonishment and amazement when …

“The Arab Spring provided hope to millions of suffering people” Read More »

It may be a hard road and sacrifices may have to be made, but the sweet taste of freedom is a privilege that shouldn’t be traded for anything in the world, writes Francis Ventura, 21, a Commonwealth Correspondent from Melbourne, Australia. The hotel receptionist looked at me with a mix of humor, astonishment and amazement when …

"The Arab Spring provided hope to millions of suffering people” Read More »

If Australia was ever tempted to shift to a republic and adopt a president as its head of state the public might quickly find that the costs of the constitutional changeover outweigh the benefits, argues Grant Duthie, 18, a Commonwealth Correspondent from the Gold Coast. It was a rare occasion to see so many flock …

“An Australian Republic: To be or not to be?” Read More »