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"The power of culture to create a better future"

May 4th, 2015

Zainab Shamim PotrickLooking past the stereotypes of a culture can reveal the benefits of traditional ways, writes Zainab Shamim Potrick, 22, a Correspondent from Karachi in Pakistan.

I belong to a very simple religion. I can hardly find things like mores, traditions or culture in my religion.

On the other hand my identity, my country Pakistan, exists in the continent where art, music and other traditional values have much importance. All Asian countries have their own values which are the pride for those nations. The rest of the countries respect each others’ culture.

A very significant relationship in human society is the relationship of husband and wife. In Pakistan, marriages are the source of joy and they are celebrated in grand functions. Many ceremonial occasions and activities are attached with them. Most marriages are arranged by parents in our society, and even a big city like Karachi has the culture of arranged marriage.

There are many benefits of this culture. The chief advantage is that society remains clear on ethical issues. All the young people know that they do not have to bother about choosing their partner. So they refrain from getting involved in girlfriend/boyfriend relationships and hence keep themselves away from aggravated problems related to this culture. This is the reason in Pakistan that pregnancies before marriage are rare. Also Pakistan has a low rate of divorce. This important decision belongs to the parents, who are more experienced than their children. Faith in God has created them in the way that they never want to do badly for their children. They take the best decision possible and tend to minimize the clashes between husband and wife. No doubt, arranged marriages also get finished, but in that case also parents support their son or daughter. Also, our religion has defined many rules about that situation.

Although there is not any specific concept of arranged marriage in Islam, we can see the teaching of engaging parents and other relatives during this decision. It enhances the significance of other in-law relatives like mother in-law, father in-law and brothers- and sisters in-law. In this way, a complete family system occurs which keeps the society calm. The need for old-age homes and children’s homes vanishes as parents give financal and moral support to their kids, and then youngsters assist their parents.

In my opinion this is the great influence of culture, and it has many positive effects on society. In many cases people interpret this as a negative culture but the truth is something else. Due to the culture we are spared the moral dilemmas that face many young people in the Western world. Due to it we do not have to create laws like those in Australia where a husband can be bound to support the wife even after the divorce.

I know this culture is necessary for a secure future. Our community’s welfare is dependant upon it, as this is a powerful way to analyse the good aspects of relationships in this electronic era.

If we always regard each other’s standard cultures and recognize the positive in them, for sure it the supreme option for the future.

photo credit: Saffron ceremony via photopin (license)

About me: I have always wanted to become a successful author, analyst or to indulge in anything connected with writing because it is my passion to read and write.

I want to promote good about Pakistan and Islam. It gives me a sense of achievement to have my stories published.


Opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Commonwealth Youth Programme. Articles are published in a spirit of dialogue, respect and understanding. If you disagree, why not submit a response?

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About the author

Zainab Shamim Potrick

I have always wanted to become a successful author, analyst or to indulge in anything connected with writing because it is my passion to read and write.

I want to promote good about Pakistan and Islam. It gives me a sense of achievement to have my stories published.

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Zainab Shamim PotrickLooking past the stereotypes of a culture can reveal the benefits of traditional ways, writes Zainab Shamim Potrick, 22, a Correspondent from Karachi in Pakistan.

I belong to a very simple religion. I can hardly find things like mores, traditions or culture in my religion.

On the other hand my identity, my country Pakistan, exists in the continent where art, music and other traditional values have much importance. All Asian countries have their own values which are the pride for those nations. The rest of the countries respect each others’ culture.

A very significant relationship in human society is the relationship of husband and wife. In Pakistan, marriages are the source of joy and they are celebrated in grand functions. Many ceremonial occasions and activities are attached with them. Most marriages are arranged by parents in our society, and even a big city like Karachi has the culture of arranged marriage.

There are many benefits of this culture. The chief advantage is that society remains clear on ethical issues. All the young people know that they do not have to bother about choosing their partner. So they refrain from getting involved in girlfriend/boyfriend relationships and hence keep themselves away from aggravated problems related to this culture. This is the reason in Pakistan that pregnancies before marriage are rare. Also Pakistan has a low rate of divorce. This important decision belongs to the parents, who are more experienced than their children. Faith in God has created them in the way that they never want to do badly for their children. They take the best decision possible and tend to minimize the clashes between husband and wife. No doubt, arranged marriages also get finished, but in that case also parents support their son or daughter. Also, our religion has defined many rules about that situation.

Although there is not any specific concept of arranged marriage in Islam, we can see the teaching of engaging parents and other relatives during this decision. It enhances the significance of other in-law relatives like mother in-law, father in-law and brothers- and sisters in-law. In this way, a complete family system occurs which keeps the society calm. The need for old-age homes and children’s homes vanishes as parents give financal and moral support to their kids, and then youngsters assist their parents.

In my opinion this is the great influence of culture, and it has many positive effects on society. In many cases people interpret this as a negative culture but the truth is something else. Due to the culture we are spared the moral dilemmas that face many young people in the Western world. Due to it we do not have to create laws like those in Australia where a husband can be bound to support the wife even after the divorce.

I know this culture is necessary for a secure future. Our community’s welfare is dependant upon it, as this is a powerful way to analyse the good aspects of relationships in this electronic era.

If we always regard each other’s standard cultures and recognize the positive in them, for sure it the supreme option for the future.

photo credit: Saffron ceremony via photopin (license)

About me: I have always wanted to become a successful author, analyst or to indulge in anything connected with writing because it is my passion to read and write.

I want to promote good about Pakistan and Islam. It gives me a sense of achievement to have my stories published.


Opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Commonwealth Youth Programme. Articles are published in a spirit of dialogue, respect and understanding. If you disagree, why not submit a response?

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