Photo credit: Shelley Addison-Bell by Shelley Addison-Bell, Communications and Brand Lead, Ocean Youth Working Group The waves of change are being led by youth all around the world who are echoing the urgent call for action against the climate crisis. The Ocean Youth Working Group of the Commonwealth Youth Climate Change Network (CYCN) hosted a …

Diving into Action: Empowering Ocean Youths for a Sustainable Future Read More »

by Shelley Addison-bell, Ocean Youth Working Group Communications and Brand Lead Photo source: Shelley Addison-bell (Author) The world’s oceans are filled with life, from vibrant coral reefs to shallow shores. Beneath its surface is a crucial hero of marine ecosystems: seagrass. For World Seagrass Day, on March 1, we came together to recognize the vital …

Celebrating World Seagrass Day: Sustaining Our Oceans for Future Generations Read More »

by Cody Mitchell The Australian Defence Force (ADF) has always struggled to meet recruitment and retention targets. However, in light of an increasingly volatile geostrategic situation, these challenges are increasingly acute. The news broke recently that the Australian Government was considering “mothballing” one or two of the Royal Australian Navy’s eight Anzac-class frigates—the backbone of …

Australia’s military in recruitment crisis amidst growing global insecurity Read More »

by Srishti Negi “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players” – Shakespeare opined in the late 16th century, writing these memorable and insightful lines in his play ‘As You Like It’. And this dictum for ages immemorial has, consciously or unconsciously, represented the international stage at large. Now the …

United States, China & Others – The Rise of a new Cold War Read More »

Dr. Mohsen Gul, Technical Lead, Strategic Intelligence Hub, UNDP in Asia and the Pacific Sushil Ram, Youth Development Advisor, Commonwealth Secretariat In Asia-Pacific policy-making’s vast and dynamic terrain, innovation is not just a buzzword but a critical imperative. Policy innovation, in this context, represents the delicate art of crafting strategies that are as adaptable as they are robust …

Crafting the Future: Strategic Intelligence Hub and Policy Experimentation in the Asia-Pacific for Youth Entrepreneurship Read More »

Coastal communities in the Pacific depend on the sea to thrive. Without healthy coral reefs, these fishing communities risk losing a vital source of food and income. Naomi Longa, Director and Coordinator for Sea Women of Melanesia (SWoM) has been leading young women in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands underwater to protect their …

Coral reefs are “too precious to lose” Read More »

2010 is the United Nations’ Year of Youth and to honour the occasion, the Commonwealth Youth Programme in Honiara is giving Pacific youth a voice by actively seeking young people’s ideas. click to listen to the interview

2010 is the United Nations’ Year of Youth and to honour the occasion, the Commonwealth Youth Programme in Honiara is giving Pacific youth a voice by actively seeking young people’s ideas. click to listen to the interview

Representatives of the country’s Youths to the Commonwealth Youth Conference in India departed the country this afternoon. On Monday next week, 9 young people from Commonwealth Pacific Countries will unite with other youths from the Africa, Asia and the Caribbean regions. Click to watch the video interview with the Regional Director of the Commonwealth Youth …

Commonwealth Youth Conference 2010 Read More »