Human activity has been blamed for contributing to environmental disaster in the oceans, but as Ariela St. Pierre-Collins, 18, a Commonwealth Correspondent from Barbados writes, the sea occasionally fights back. Picture this: a peaceful looking soybean plantation in the Amazon where trees used to be. Look closer, and you’ll see a stream of water running through …

“Environmental devastation on our doorstep” Read More »

Limiting global warming is the focus of the upcoming Paris Climate Conference, writes Geetha Kanniah, 19, a Commonwealth Correspondent from Malaysia, who argues the real work will start once the agreement is reached.  With the highly anticipated COP21 rapidly approaching, organisations are promoting renewable energy as fast as they can, hoping to accomplish more in the …

“Looking for green progress at COP21” Read More »

Pakistan faces an energy crisis but Faheem Bin Tariq, a Correspondent from Karachi, Pakistan, explains that a nuclear power solution poses a controversial dilemma. Pakistan is facing an energy shortfall and a crisis which is badly affecting the economy of the war-torn county, as well as her part as an ally in the war on …

“Karachi’s energy crisis: a nuclear dilemma” Read More »

Climate change is already evident in Jamaica, writes Advira Shand, 25, a Commonwealth Correspondent from Manchester in Jamaica, who urges immediate short term action as well as long-term policy changes. I always look forward to scanning Jamaica’s lush green terrain while occupying a window seat of an airplane flying to and from Jamaica. However, on …

“Action needed to catch up to climate change” Read More »

Environmental advocacy and social justice are both part of a landmark message from Pope Francis, writes Nnadozie Onyekuru, 26, a Commonwealth Correspondent from Nigeria, now studying in the USA. Pope Francis’ speech at the United Nations was a political expression of Laudato Si, his landmark encyclical on the environment. In the build-up to the encyclical’s publication, I …

“Concern for the environment and humanity” Read More »

Young people play an integral role in advancing development, democracy and peace. At the 10th Commonwealth Youth Forum in Malta, 21-25 November, over 400 youth leaders will discuss the challenges and opportunities facing young people, and devise relevant policy solutions through four main agendas – economic, environmental, social and political. The theme of the Forum is ‘Adding …

“Rising sea levels, temperatures and tensions” Read More »

Dhaka makes the list of unlivable cities, but Abdullah Al Hasan, 24, a Commonwealth Correspondent from Dhaka in Bangladesh, argues that better transportation could move the city into a better rating. Every year, when the rankings of unlivable cities of the world are released, Bangladeshi people sadly look for Dhaka’s name on the list. Yes, …

“Better transportation can make Dhaka livable” Read More »

Climate-smart agricultural practices are meeting resistance from some of the farmers most at risk to the negative impact of climate change, writes Jhannel Tomlinson, 24, a Correspondent from Kingston, Jamaica. Mr Jones, a vegetable farmer in the hills of Clarendon, Jamaica, is renowned for his succulent tomatoes, crispy lettuce and large peppers. A farmer of …

“Resisting the adaptations for climate change” Read More »

Environmental activists around the world recently marked Earth Day 2016, but as Harnoor Gill, 18, a Commonwealth Correspondent from Georgetown in Canada writes, the day can be marked in many ways throughout the year.  Each year, April 22nd marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970 known as Earth Day. …

“Get involved and give back to the Earth” Read More »

There is no debate about climate change, writes Shannay Williams, 18, a Correspondent from St. Thomas in Jamaica, who argues that unless care it taken, even more dire consequences are in store. It has occurred to me that something is wrong. This is a ‘not-so-new’ epiphany to environmental activists, but it has struck me since …

“Spontaneous combustion is ahead” Read More »