Who we are
The Commonwealth Youth Climate Change Network (CYCN) is a network of young climate leaders and youth-led organizations leading climate action across the 56 member states of the Commonwealth. The CYCN was established in 2009 during the Young Commonwealth Climate Summit in London, where 150 young environmental leaders gathered to share experiences and expertise.
CYCN’s ambition is focused on eight areas: Climate Education, Climate Literacy, Youth Policy Engagement, Capacity building on Nexus Issues, advancing Grassroot Advocacy and locally-led action, Sustainable Development, Climate Mitigation, & Climate Adaptation. A “Sustainable Development Mindset” principle is instrumental to help the world succeed in meeting global climate and energy goals. The Network endeavours to make climate change a top priority for young people across the Commonwealth and to engage them as key stakeholders in addressing the threat at a grassroots, national and regional level through individual and collective sustainable solutions.

What we do
The objective of the network is to build the capacity of young people in their endeavours to address climate change and other environmental issues, advocate on climate change from a youth perspective. The scope of the network extends to environmental sustainability, oceans and marine life, natural resource utilisation etc.
CYCN supports actions that empower young people to translate climate change programmes into effective policies that have a measurable impact on youth well-being. It also links projects implemented by its members across the Commonwealth in order to develop common actions and campaigns.
CYCN members advocate within national and local governments, as well as in international agencies and global spaces such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, to ensure that succeeding generations are spared from the harshest effects of climate change.
For more information and updates, please contact CYCN on: cycn@commonwealth.int
Meet the CYCN Executive team
The Commonwealth Youth Climate Change Network (CYCN) is led by a Youth team comprised
of a Pan-Commonwealth Coordinator, ten (10) Executive Council members, Regional Coordinators, and Country Coordinators.
The various units within the network include:
- Partnerships and Engagement Unit: Seeks to secure funding opportunities both regionally and internationally to enable regional and country coordinators can upscale their initiatives in the region.
- Policy & Advocacy Unit: Responsible for promoting climate and sustainability policies through various advocacy networks across the Commonwealth in collaboration with the Country Coordinators.
- Communication & Public Relations Unit: Responsible for all internal and external communications between the CYCN Executives and the wider membership. The Unit is also responsible for coordinating all CYCN online platforms for a consistent and seamless exchange of information between the network and the public.
- Capacity Building & Events Unit: Coordinates and seeks opportunities for Network development and is primarily responsible for the planning and execution of events and activities of the CYCN.
- Membership Unit: Responsible for creating and maintaining the Network’s and key stakeholder’s database in the climate and sustainable development space across the Commonwealth. The unit also enhances engagement with grassroots organizations and marginalized or vulnerable populations to involve those young persons in the initiatives of the CYCN.